I am the owner of this wonderful company. I deem it wonderful for one reason, and one reason only... because my mother believed in it and thought it was wonderful. When I was faced with diversity, she was there, to remind me to hold on to what I have always been passionate about; drawing, movies, cinema, cartoons, comic books, video games, nostalgia. That lady always pushed me to hold on to my dreams of starting my own business and be prideful in my creative side, embrace it. I recently lost my mom. And I want to allow you, well anyone, to know how much she had to do with the creation of this company. How wonderful of a person my mother truly was. Without her unconditional support, this company wouldn't be anything. That's why it's so important for us to treat everyone of our customers, in fact, anyone that we interact with, with the utmost integrity, respect and honor. In tribute of her. This is how she was with people.
RIP Beautiful Nancy Worth-O'Reilly
2/5/1957 - 11/17/2015